Resident Spotlight: Margaret Wanjui

At the end of this year, Margaret Wanjui will step down from the Jubilee Housing Board of Directors after many years of service. “Margaret brought a special spirit that reminds us of our call and our essence with every word she speaks. She will be missed on the Board of Directors,” said Barbara Moore, Jubilee Housing Board member and cofounder.

Born in Kenya, Margaret moved to the United States in her early twenties, where she lived in the Mozart building in Adams Morgan for several years before Jubilee Housing purchased it. When Jubilee bought the apartments in 1973, Margaret became incredibly active in Jubilee life by joining committees, welcoming newcomers, and sending her five children to Good Shepherd Ministries (which would later become Jubilee Youth Services).

Margaret has been a leader in the greater DC community as well. She was the first employee at Christ House, where she served as a cook from 1985 until her retirement in September 2016. Margaret has also been a member of St. Augustine Catholic Church for many years, where she sings in the choir.

While the United States is now home, Margaret has not forgotten her native Kenya. Despite a modest salary, Margaret has been sending money there for years in order to establish Covenant House, a home for families who would otherwise not have a place to live.

Jubilee Housing would not be what it is today without Margaret’s courageous leadership. We are thankful for her years of service and excited that she will still be a Jubilee Housing resident in her retirement.