Councilmember Nadeau Visits Jubilee Housing
On August 14, Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau toured Jubilee Housing’s Maycroft apartments to see all the progress on the building since her last visit. Nadeau attended the groundbreaking for the Maycroft last summer. Since then, the program space on the building’s ground level has taken shape and now includes classrooms, space for the Martha’s Table McKenna’s Wagon kitchen and an outdoor, enclosed playground. Renovations will be completed in late 2018.
Councilmember Nadeau also visited one of Jubilee’s possible acquisitions on Euclid Street.
After touring Jubilee’s latest additions to justice housing™, Nadeau had lunch in the Rouse Room of the Ritz building with several members of Jubilee Housing’s staff including Executive Director Jim Knight and Vice President of Institutional Advancement Rebecca Ely. Nadeau then headed to the Sitar Center, a Ward 1 nonprofit organization that provides arts education to families of all income levels. There she learned about one of Jubilee Housing’s new projects—the Platform of Hope. The Platform of Hope is a pilot initiative that provides holistic and self-directed support for families experiencing economic vulnerability.
Council Member Nadeau is an active member of the Jubilee Housing community, with a long history of supporting Jubilee’s justice housing initiatives and affordable housing in the District.