Interview with Romaine Johnson

In the interview below, Jubilee resident Romaine Johnson discusses the impact of COVID-19 on Jubilee’s seniors, as well as the support the Senior Club provides them throughout this crisis.

Greg Rockwell, Director of Development – So, you helped start the Jubilee Housing Senior Club in 2018. Can you tell us what the senior club is and what you all do?

Romaine Johnson, Jubilee Senior Club co-founder – Well, we are a social group. The Jubilee Senior Club is for seniors living in a Jubilee property. It was started because at the time there were no services focused directly on seniors. We started the Club so that seniors could have a way to support each other and socialize, and a place where we could laugh, talk, and play games. We have forty-two active members In normal times, we would have monthly meetings and do fundraisers.

Greg Rockwell – How do the senior club members support each other?

Romaine Johnson – Well, one of the things we do is check-ins. Twice a week we call the seniors to see how they are doing. It’s like a buddy system for us. We started doing this for single seniors and seniors between the ages of 70 – 90. In normal times, we have monthly meetings and go on field trips together.

Greg Rockwell – How is the senior club operating during the pandemic?

Romaine Johnson – It’s been hard. I call many of the members everyday. With the help of Jubilee staff, we stay in touch. Connie and Christi [Jubilee staff members] have been so supportive and we can call them anytime. We have also been having weekly prayer circles on Zoom.

Greg Rockwell – Can you tell me more about the prayer circles?

Romaine Johnson – Our normal is no longer our normal and change is always very difficult, so the prayer circles have been great. They give us an opportunity to see each other. Connie [link to interview] and Jim [link to interview] are on the prayer calls and Connie invited her cousin who is a minister. It’s a way for us all to come together. We pray, but we also talk about COVID-19 and ways to stay safe.

Greg Rockwell – How has being a resident of Jubilee Housing been during the stay at home orders?

Romaine Johnson – Jubilee has been keeping its word and reaching out to residents. Even Dorothy, the VP of Property Management, has been reaching out to everyone. They aren’t in the office, but we know they are around and able to help us if we need them. I feel blessed to have the Jubilee community during this time. I have contact information for most of the staff and contacts at Martha’s Table. It’s been great. I know that day or night I have someone I can reach out to.