Jim’s Column – COVID Impact Statement

We want to thank everyone who has supported Jubilee Housing during this crisis. The response has been amazing and we are so privileged to be connected to a community of caring and support. 

Below is a quick summary of how COVID-19 has impacted our community, and how you’ve been helping.


The pandemic is wreaking havoc across the economy. When businesses started shutting down, Jubilee residents were among those significantly impacted. Many work in the hospitality or service industry. While we’re still learning about the economic consequences for our community, we estimate that:

  • ⅓ of Jubilee households have experienced a layoff of one or more members
  • ⅓ have continued working, though some have seen reductions in hours
  • ⅓ of households are seniors or residents with a disability – while their income wasn’t affected by the onset of the virus, they are impacted by social distancing guidelines and many are experiencing food insecurity and other related challenges.


When schools shut down, our afterschool programs were forced to close with them.  The nutritious meals available during school hours and during afterschool programming were no longer available to students.  

In March & April, in partnership with the Capital Area Food Bank, we distributed 816 snacks and 816 bagged meals to families with children.

As social distancing measures expanded to sheltering-in-place, you stepped in to make sure isolated households, seniors, and other impacted households had access to nutritious meals. In partnership with Geppetto’s Catering, you contributed over $8,600 that provided more than 500 meals to over 125 households within Jubilee.

Since late March, we’ve been distributing meals once a week, and we’ll continue to do so as long as we have the resources.

Rent Relief

When layoffs and furloughs began to set in and lost wages became reality, we reached out for assistance with rent relief. 

To date, you contributed $3,475 that is being distributed to households facing the greatest hardship at this time. 

Jubilee Finances

Jubilee Housing was anticipating significant revenue loss from both earned revenue (rents & subsidies) and contributed revenue (grants and donations). While residents are working hard to keep up with their rent payments, we know some loss is inevitable. In addition, we had to cancel our Spring Fundraiser – combined, we projected 2020 losses up to $750,000.

But in the face of that loss, you stepped up yet again, contributing more than $50,000 to help us offset the lost event, and continue operating at full capacity to serve residents!

This has helped us create virtual afterschool programs, counsel unemployed residents over Zoom, double our cleaning and sanitizing around the properties, and support our transitional housing residents as they continue to work and stay on track for their recovery journeys.

Thankfully, while there was a sharp increase in delinquent rent in March, April and May have been closer to normal. Combined with a successful application to the Paycheck Protection Program, and federal stimulus checks sent to residents, Jubilee is continuing to meet our mission in new and innovative ways. We could not do this without your support! 

We don’t know what the future will hold. It’s only been a short (LONG) two months since coronavirus has upended our lives. We’re grateful that we’ve been able to be a consistent and supportive presence to residents during this crisis.

Thank You

We can’t say thank you enough! From the financial and technology donations, to all the encouragement and prayers we’ve received through our info@jubileehousing.org email, it’s been a blessing to stay close to you through all of this.

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about how you can support Jubilee residents at this time, please email Greg Rockwell, Director of Development, at grockwell@jubileehousing.org

With Gratitude,

Jim Knight
President & CEO
Jubilee Housing