Jim’s Column – November 2020
As I write this column, we face a second wave of the ground-shifting pandemic, alongside the great division and turmoil of this election season. In this time, I look back with gratitude and awe at the resiliency of the Jubilee Housing staff and residents who pivoted to support each other and the commitment of our supporters. I look forward to continuing the crucial work of creating more justice housing, with more compassion and understanding.
Even as we, at Jubilee Housing, work to dismantle the wrongs of structural discrimination, we are touched by the tenderness of humanity. I have witnessed firsthand the love and care the Jubilee Housing community has shown each other this past year. While we’ve been able to move online many of Jubilee’s supportive programs, numerous families in our community are still struggling financially. The hope of a second stimulus check is dimming, but the need is still great, perhaps more so than at the beginning of the year.
This election season we saw record numbers of voters casting ballots across the country. In Jubilee’s own neighborhood of Adams Morgan, the Jubilee Senior Club hosted three events to register community members to vote. I’d like to extend my gratitude to Romaine Johnson and Constance Bradley-Bryant for their role in organizing these events.
As I discussed in my remarks at Jubilee Housing’s Building on the Foundation event, DC is a leader among high-cost cities across the country in investments, per capita, in affordable housing. Yet, due to the pandemic, millions of dollars of the city’s budget were redirected and lost to affordable housing. Justice housing — affordable housing, in thriving neighborhoods, with nearby services — is critical to rebuilding our city, our community, and our country with equity.
As we look ahead to the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to take a moment to thank each of you for your ongoing support especially this year. We would not be able to do the work we do without the support of our Jubilee family. Know that resilience and love will carry the day. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We remain grateful for your ongoing support.