Jubilee Students Gear up for School
Another summer done, another school year fast approaching! This past Saturday, over ninety students from pre-k to high school seniors came out to Jubilee Housing’s annual Back to School Drive and took home brand-new backpacks stuffed with school supplies.
Hosted by Jubilee’s Youth Services and Resident Services teams, the event was the perfect way to kick off the school year by bringing together Jubilee students and families, staff and community organizations for a fun-filled afternoon. Partners such as Sitar Arts Center, the Mount Pleasant Library, Ounce of Care, and Amerigroup offered information and resources to families, while students picked out their backpacks, enjoyed some sweet treats, and even got a little festive with Yanira Facepainting.
From offering pencils and rulers to backpacks and graphing calculators, the Back to School Drive is just one part of the supportive network both Youth Services and Resident Services provide for students and families in the Jubilee community, helping offset the costs to families of provisioning students for a return to school.
Jubilee couldn’t hold this event year after year without the incredible generosity of our supporter community. A big shout out to the many donors and volunteers who contributed to making the drive a success, and to partners Guidehouse Federal, the James G. Davis Construction Company, and Tishman Speyer for their in-kind support of this important event. THANK YOU for ensuring Jubilee students have the best start to the new academic year!