A Note From Jim
2018 was a year of building and growth. We worked hard to acquire two new properties, strengthen our existing partnerships with organizations such as Martha’s Table, bring in new leadership, and work towards the goals of our five year plan. And while all those things are important, this precious work we do is about more than what you can see. It’s also about the work to change hearts, minds, and current policies around the access that Washington, D.C., residents have to affordable housing and other vital resources.
One of the goals of our five year plan is to be more resident-centric. To this end we have incorporated resident feedback through a resident survey and listening sessions to better understand their concerns and wishes. One of the exciting evolutions that came out of these listening sessions was the transition of our traditional Teen Renaissance program to a Drop in Center which will be housed in the Maycroft apartments beginning in early April. Another exciting development is the creation of a Jubilee Housing Senior club. Jubilee’s Senior residents expressed a desire for a Senior Club and have been integral in this creation.
This and all the other work Jubilee accomplishes would not be possible without out our hardworking staff, volunteers and board members. After 30 years of volunteer leadership in service to Jubilee Housing, Myra Peabody Gossens, President of MPG Advisors, is stepping down as board chair. Myra will always be a close friend of Jubilee and will continue to be of service to Jubilee in other ways. As she departs our Board, we recognize her commitment to community and spiritual grounding. Alex Orfinger, Executive Vice President for American City Business Journals, who has been a board member for 2 years is now stepping into the chair’s role. Alex is also serving as the Chair of our Justice Housing Partners Fund Leadership team, which has raised $5M in investments for the Justice Housing Partners Fund in order to create more deeply affordable housing.
Our work is not only about developing affordable housing in thriving neighborhoods with services and programs that support our residents, it is also about reminding people that each person, regardless of age, race, or ability deserves a safe place to call home. The most underestimated gap is the one between people who feel disconnected one from another. When we are disconnected, we make decisions that are in our self-interest but not necessarily in the interest of the greater good. This widens the divide between people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. That is the fundamental pillar of injustice. Through all this we hope to build greater inclusion and equity in our city.