Jim’s Corner

At this time of year, we often reflect on the blessings and challenges of the year that has passed. 2018 was full of both! But I’d like to reflect on our blessings.

This year Jubilee Housing moved two steps closer to its goal of creating 30% more justice housing in the next five years by purchasing properties at 1724 Kalorama Road and 1460 Euclid Street. We could only have done this with the help of the Justice Housing Partners, LP, our new innovative investment fund that lets us compete with for-profit developers for available properties. Thank you to all of our friends who helped us dream it, create it, fund it, and use it(!) for the good of our community.

We also received many grants this year to help us to carry out our important work, but most recently a $125,000 grant from the TD Bank Charitable Foundation to support development of the next two new buildings. Our application was #1 out of a national competition – an important validation of how transformative justice housingTM can be.

Earlier this month, the Washington Business Journal recognized the impact of the Jubilee mission through a “C-Suite Award” naming me as one of its Nonprofit Leaders of the Year. I am deeply humbled by this recognition because it represents the power and impact of Jubilee’s vision for Justice Housing. We receive this recognition standing together as a community! Without a doubt, all that has been accomplished could only have been done through the blood, sweat, and tears of our amazing staff, supporters, and resident community. Thank you for being the force and inspiration behind this incredible mission.

In the midst of all of these blessings, there is still much to do to make our city a place where everyone has access to prosperity. Left uncorrected, the market creates conditions under which some people get to have what they want and need, and others don’t.

It’s not right. It’s not fair. It’s not what’s intended. We must act to disrupt that pattern and reset the deck.

It’s been a big year, but 2019 could be even bigger. If your heart is moved to help us make D.C. everything it can be, please invest in our work. Become an investor in our Fund, become a monthly donor, or follow this link to make a one-time donation to support our transformative work.

Thank you for all of your support this year!