The Ritz
1631 Euclid St NW
Washington, DC 20009
The other of Jubilee Housing’s first two buildings, the Ritz hosts Jubilee’s multipurpose community room, the Rouse Room as well as Jubilee’s main offices.
Year Built
Year Acquired
Square Feet
Rental Payments
Online (Recommended)
Login to your resident portal and click Make a Payment to pay your rent online. We recommend the free E-Check option.
Note: If you choose to pay via Credit Card/Debit Card instead of E-Check, the payment processor will charge you 3% of your monthly rent amount (including any subsidy portions) to cover the cost of card fees. This fee is not charged by Jubilee. For this reason, if you wish to pay online, we suggest using the free E-Check option to avoid processing fees.
Check or Money Order
Rent can be paid by check or money order at the drop-box in your lobby or the Jubilee Housing main office at The Ritz (1631 Euclid St NW, #P-5, Washington, DC 20009).
Please make rent checks payable to Jubilee Housing.
Login to your resident portal and click Submit a Service Request to submit a maintenance ticket.
By Phone
Call (202) 299-1240
Phone Tree
Step 1
For English press 1 / Para español, marque 2
Step 2
After selecting your language, press 1 if you are a current resident.
TTY through DC Relay
DC Relay provides a 24-hour communication service that connects people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking that may use specialized telephone equipment to people who use standard telephones.
District residents can initiate a call through DC Relay by simply dialing 711 or call one of the toll free numbers below:
TTY (Text Telephone): 800-643-3768
Voice: 800-643-3769
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): 800-898-0137
STS (Speech to Speech): 800-898-0740
Spanish TTY: 800-546-7111
Spanish Voice: 800-546-5111
If you are traveling out of State or you are in a State that is not served by Hamilton Relay, you can place an interstate call by dialing: TTY 800-833-5833 (toll-free) or Voice 800-833-7833 (toll-free).
Resident Services
Jubilee Housing’s Resident Services will work with you to pursue your needs and goals. Whether you need help locating essential resources such as food, support with financial planning and credit building, or want to connect more with the Jubilee community, Resident Services is here to support you!