Jim’s Column: September 2021

For most of us, fall was expected to be a time of reopening and new beginnings, where we could begin to get back to life in person again. Yet, as we now know, the Delta variant has changed plans again. Reopening is still relative, and yet there are powerful signs of progress ahead. We continue to believe that housing is the foundation of justice, and we must do everything in our power to build a city whose resilience is built on equitable access to opportunity and wellbeing.  

The District’s FY 2022 budget offers much to be excited about. Mayor Muriel Bowser began the process with an historic $400 million investment in the Housing Production Trust Fund and substantial increases in funding for the Local Rent Supplement Program. This unprecedented increase is the largest investment in affordable housing in the city’s history. Combined these will create an additional 2,700 units of affordable housing, 40% of which will be deeply affordable to families earning at 30% AMI and below about $38,700 for a family of four. The DC Council built on this unprecedented support, targeting additional funds for a Pilot to fund housing and services for Returning Citizens, as well as targeted increasing for out of school time programming, and early childhood education.

Jubilee is excited to be partnering with the District to expand justice housing through the four properties we have under development, two of which (EucKalhave already been selected by DHCD to advance to the next stage of funding. We hope to break ground on EucKal in early 2022, and would provide 50 family sized deeply affordable homes by 2023. 

The remaining properties, King Emmanuel Baptist Church and Ontario Place, hope to secure funds from the new Pilot so that we can expand reentry housing and services, generating 71 new homes, 45 of which will be dedicated to returning citizens. 

At the same time, our incredible staff is working to support current residents through our annual Back to School Drive, assisting residents in securing rental assistance through StayDC, and offering COVID testing and vaccinations through our pop-up vaccination clinics. These events are just a few examples of the resident centered work Jubilee is focused on to ensure families have every opportunity to thrive. 

As you read the stories in this newsletter, I hope you find hope in this time of uncertainty and recognize your role in this community. Your support drives the critical work of Jubilee Housing every day.