Advocating for Universal Out-of-School Time

On December 4, 2023, Jubilee Housing Director of Youth Services Audrey Walker spoke at an advocacy event for the Universal Out-of-School-Time Amendment Act 2023 as part of DC Action’s OST Coalition.

We applaud CM Frumin and 10 co-introducing councilmembers, including Ward 1 CM Nadeau, for their commitment to the futures of young people in the District.

The event was attended by more than 50 stakeholders who share a vision of safe, engaging, accessible out-of-school activities for all. In addition to DC Action and Jubilee Housing, attendees included colleagues from Afterschool Alliance, Beacon House, Children’s Legacy Theatre, DC Children’s Law Center, DC Department of Housing and Urban Development, DC Office of the Attorney General, DC Public Schools, DC SCORES, Fair Chance, Global Kids DC, One World Education, OSSE, Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Shaw Community Center, Sitar Arts Center, Washington Teachers Union, and Washington Urban Debate League.

Watch Audrey’s speech (28:17) and the entire event below!