The mission of Jubilee Housing is to build diverse, compassionate communities that create opportunities for everyone to thrive.

We do this by creating justice through housing — Justice Housing®.

What Is Justice Housing?

Deeply Affordable Homes

for families with low incomes and those facing the greatest barriers to housing

The term “affordable housing” in DC can mean anything from 30% of the Family Median Income (FMI) up to 80% FMI. While there is a need for affordable housing at every level, over 60% of residents at or below 30% FMI spend more than half of their income on rent. Jubilee distinguishes its work as providing deeply affordable housing.

Approximately two-thirds of Jubilee units are dedicated to residents earning 30% of the Family Median Income (FMI) or less — about $45,000 or less for a family of four — and almost all of the remaining units are for families making less than 40%, 50%, and 60% FMI.

Onsite & Nearby Supportive Services

to address additional systemic barriers

Households who qualify for deeply affordable housing often face additional systemic barriers to thriving. Jubilee aims to counter these barriers by providing supportive services in-house and through a network of partners, all located onsite or within a walkable area to ensure that transportation and distance are not prohibitive.

Residents and community members can access Youth Services for students in early childhood through college; Reentry Services for people returning from incarceration; and a broad spectrum of Resident Services that advance housing stability, financial security, health, and community connection.

Resource-Rich Neighborhoods

with high-performing schools, transit, grocery stores, shopping, parks, services, and employment

Access to community resources can have a profound impact on our lives. Research by Raj Chetty and others indicates that zip code is the single highest predictor of future success; families with low incomes in high opportunity areas have better future earnings than comparable families in high poverty areas. DC’s 2018 Health Equity Report shows that where DC residents can afford to live affects quality of life, life expectancy, and economic opportunity.

While we advocate for Justice Housing throughout DC, Jubilee’s own footprint is in the resource-rich Ward 1 neighborhoods of Adams Morgan, Columbia Heights, and Mount Pleasant.

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