Interview with Romaine Johnson

In the interview below, Jubilee resident Romaine Johnson discusses the impact of COVID-19 on Jubilee’s seniors, as well as the support the Senior Club provides them throughout this crisis.

Greg Rockwell, Director of Development – So, you helped start the Jubilee Housing Senior Club in 2018. Can you tell us what the senior club is and what you all do?

Romaine Johnson, Jubilee Senior Club co-founder – Well, we are a social group. The Jubilee Senior Club is for seniors living in a Jubilee property. It was started because at the time there were no services focused directly on seniors. We started the Club so that seniors could have a way to support each other and socialize, and a place where we could laugh, talk, and play games. We have forty-two active members In normal times, we would have monthly meetings and do fundraisers.

Greg Rockwell – How do the senior club members support each other?

Romaine Johnson – Well, one of the things we do is check-ins. Twice a week we call the seniors to see how they are doing. It’s like a buddy system for us. We started doing this for single seniors and seniors between the ages of 70 – 90. In normal times, we have monthly meetings and go on field trips together.

Greg Rockwell – How is the senior club operating during the pandemic?

Romaine Johnson – It’s been hard. I call many of the members everyday. With the help of Jubilee staff, we stay in touch. Connie and Christi [Jubilee staff members] have been so supportive and we can call them anytime. We have also been having weekly prayer circles on Zoom.

Greg Rockwell – Can you tell me more about the prayer circles?

Romaine Johnson – Our normal is no longer our normal and change is always very difficult, so the prayer circles have been great. They give us an opportunity to see each other. Connie [link to interview] and Jim [link to interview] are on the prayer calls and Connie invited her cousin who is a minister. It’s a way for us all to come together. We pray, but we also talk about COVID-19 and ways to stay safe.

Greg Rockwell – How has being a resident of Jubilee Housing been during the stay at home orders?

Romaine Johnson – Jubilee has been keeping its word and reaching out to residents. Even Dorothy, the VP of Property Management, has been reaching out to everyone. They aren’t in the office, but we know they are around and able to help us if we need them. I feel blessed to have the Jubilee community during this time. I have contact information for most of the staff and contacts at Martha’s Table. It’s been great. I know that day or night I have someone I can reach out to.

Interview with Marty Mellett

Marty Mellett’s job as the Vice President of External Affairs is to bring attention to the federal and local legislation that affects our city’s most vulnerable residents, especially those who face multiple barriers to housing like returning citizens.

In the video below, Marty talks about how COVID-19 is affecting incarcerated D.C. residents, compassionate release, and housing for people coming home from incarceration.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in unprecedented ways, but the work of Jubilee Housing has never been more important. This crisis has reaffirmed the importance of our mission.

If you are interested in learning more about Jubilee’s legislative advocacy work for returning citizens, contact Marty at

Interview with Louis Sawyer, Jr.

Louis Sawyer, Jr. is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the Reentry Housing Initiative (RHI) at Jubilee Housing. Sawyer works alongside the rest of the reentry team members to reach out to men and women before they come home from incarceration and welcome them into the Jubilee RHI program.

In the video linked below, Louis discusses how the RHI program is shifting during COVID-19. While the program continues to be staffed 24-7, we’re taking steps to ensure the safety of the community. The good news is that many residents are still able to work and, if not, are actively pursuing employment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in unprecedented ways, but the work of Jubilee Housing has never been more important. This crisis has reaffirmed the importance of our mission. If you want to support Jubilee Housing’s Reentry Housing Initiative, contact Louis at

Interview with Jim Knight

Over the past few weeks you’ve seen videos from Jubilee Housing leaders discussing the ways our work has shifted since the coronavirus pandemic. We’re so thankful to be able to share their perspective and the important work of their departments.

Today, I’m pleased to share a new video featuring a conversation between Jim Knight, President & CEO and Greg Rockwell, Director of Development. In this interview, Jim opens up about the challenges COVID-19 is creating for Jubilee Housing staff and residents, Jubilee’s innovative response, and his hope for the future of the Jubilee community.

As President and CEO since 2002, Jim has led Jubilee Housing through many challenging times but none quite like this. With the support of this incredible community and staff along with an abiding faith, Jubilee is rising to the challenge.

Now, more than ever, we want to hear from you! If you have thoughts or resources to share, email us at We hope you are safe and well!

Interview with Dorothy Larimer

Dorothy Larimer is the VP of Property Management and Development for Jubilee Housing. She and her dedicated staff on the Property Management team are the face of Jubilee in the community.

In addition to the essential work of keeping Jubilee properties clean, safe and beautiful, Dorothy and her team are dependable neighbors for Jubilee residents. During the pandemic, these roles have taken on a new urgency – the team works diligently to sanitize surfaces throughout the day, re-certify leases while social distancing, and distribute meals to residents.

We are committed to staying in touch with residents during this time. If you know of community resources that can support residents of Jubilee Housing, contact Dorothy at

Interview with Connie Bradley-Bryant

Constance Bradley-Bryant, affectionately known to Jubilee Housing staff as “Connie,” works as the Financial Empowerment Coordinator for Jubilee. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Connie has been working even harder to support residents with daily to check-ins to talk about their needs, finances and provide resources about area food deliveries. Connie has been working especially close with residents who have been laid-off from their jobs, helping them find employment and stay hopeful. 

We are committed to staying in touch with residents during this time. If you know of community resources that can support residents of Jubilee Housing, contact Connie at

Interview with Audrey Walker

At times like these, we think it’s important to be even more transparent with you about how we’re supporting the residents and program participants of Jubilee Housing. 

Starting today, we’ll be sending you an email once a week with a video showing you what’s going on in programs and with Jubilee Housing as a whole. Today’s interview is with Audrey Walker, Director of Youth Services, talking about how her program has changed because of COVID-19.

Thank you for being a part of this community. We are responding creatively to ensure students in our after-school program get the nutrition they need and support for distance learning with their school work. If you have resources that can help, you can contact Audrey at

A Real Team of Superheroes

In a city where “leaks” grab headlines, Jubilee Housing’s Property Management (PM) team is usually preoccupied with the quieter – but no less important – kind of leaks.

“They don’t quit until your issue is resolved,” said Melissa Taylor, a resident of the Sorrento. “Whenever I’ve called for anything, be it as simple as replacing a washer in my sink, they are there. They are always professional.”

Dorothy Larimer, vice president of Property Development, joked “We really need to get some personal scooters for the guys.”

As Jubilee prepares to add 125 new units over the next four years, the team is growing to accommodate the increasing time demands. The team recently welcomed Nathaniel Boyd, who will work with the team on painting, patching, plumbing, and plastering projects.

“We’ll definitely be doing more hiring,” said Larimer. “Taking care of four new buildings will require a lot more bandwidth.”

In addition to the day-to-day work of keeping Jubilee’s buildings in great condition, the winter season is always an especially busy time for the team. When snow and ice inundate the region, Facilities Manager Morena Barbery, Maintenance Supervisor David Ayala, and their team are out late salting and up early shoveling snow. Clear walkways are critical for safety, especially for Jubilee’s senior residents.

While the maintenance side of the team is busy in the field, the administrative side navigates compliance, recertification, and leasing to make sure Jubilee and its residents can continue to benefit from the various subsidies that make Jubilee’s work possible.

Quiana Bridgett, director of property management, oversaw the opening of the Jubilee waitlist earlier this year – the first time Jubilee’s accepted new applications in 10 years. She and her team were able to register 200 new applicants for the waitlist in a single morning. In addition, the team coordinated the move-in of over 50 families into the newly opened Maycroft apartment building.

Bridgett, along with Compliance Specialist Vanessa Jones, is also responsible for making sure Jubilee and its residents are meeting obligations for continued participation in the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program. LIHTC and other subsidies are critical to Jubilee’s continued operations. Vanessa joined the team this fall to help with the burgeoning workload.

The PM team is indispensable to the wider Jubilee staff, too.

“They’re always responsive whenever we have maintenance issues at the Reentry houses,” said Mary Haygood, a member of the Reentry staff. “A special shout-out to Building Attendant Pedro Mendez for taking good care of us at the Sorrento.”

It’s common to see Alieu Kargbo escorting residents around the neighborhood at all hours (a fixture in the neighborhood, Kargbo is Jubilee’s longest-serving staff member). Mendez gets up early to make coffee for a resident in the Ritz. Darrick Jackson, the PM team’s only volunteer, helps residents with housekeeping and laundry. Christi Johnson, the administrative property manager, helps support the Jubilee Senior Club in her spare time. Jorge Torres often accompanies residents seeking consular services to embassies. And Pepe Mejia just finished volunteering at October’s Hispanic Heritage Celebration.

“Those are just a few of the ways the team goes above and beyond in the community,” Larimer said. “Showing such tremendous kindness. That is the thread that runs through this department.”

Jubilee Housing Welcomes New Chief Operating Officer

Jubilee Housing is proud to announce the hiring of William Highsmith as the organization’s first chief operating officer (COO).

Highsmith brings over 18 years of experience in affordable housing and real estate to Jubilee’s team. Prior to joining Jubilee Housing, he served as the vice president and COO of the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors, director of development for Enterprise Community Partners, and vice president at Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners. As the co-founder of the 100 Black Men of Greater Washington, D.C. chapter, he has continuously championed equity in opportunity for D.C.’s African-American youth.

When asked why he believes D.C. needs justice housing Highsmith explained, “Washington, D.C., continues to wrestle with the issue of creating adequate affordable housing opportunities. This challenge is magnified right here in Adams Morgan. We need walk no farther than a block from Jubilee Housing’s offices to find one-bedroom apartments renting in excess of $2,200 a month. The reality is we have neighbors – many lifelong D.C. residents ­– who face the possibility of being priced out of their homes. I’m happy to be a part of the Jubilee Housing team, as we work towards the preservation of existing and development of more justice housing opportunities here in the Adams Morgan community, so that those who desire to stay and others who want to connect to this community have that option.”

As the COO of Jubilee Housing, Highsmith will work alongside Jim Knight, Jubilee Housing president and CEO, to help drive forward Jubilee’s Five-Year Justice Housing Plan. The new COO will also help fine-tune Jubilee’s existing systems and processes, while developing new strategies and policies.

“We are honored to have Bill join the team as Jubilee’s first chief operating officer,” said Knight. “I look forward to working closely with him on the continued implementation of Jubilee’s Five-Year Plan and on improvements to our overall operations. He’s already hit the ground running, and we are excited about his participation in our future.”

The Jubilee Housing team is delighted to have someone with Highsmith’s breadth of knowledge and commitment to equity come onboard.

Celebrating Our Sponsors – WashReit

The partnership between WashREIT and Jubilee Housing is focused on enhancing the lives of Jubilee residents. After the team toured the Jubilee community, WashREIT sponsored several events, including the Back to School Store, Elf Store, and holiday wish list, that directly benefit residents. WashREIT also installed solar panels on their DC headquarters, which will directly contribute to lowering the energy costs of Jubilee Housing residents. Next up is a companywide work day to renew a Jubilee Housing playground.

“At WashREIT, we believe we have a responsibility to the city in which we live and work. Jubilee Housing empowers residents to overcome obstacles and realize their dreams. We are proud to work with Jubilee Housing to help residents, break down barriers, and enable everyone in our community to succeed,” said Ana Fannon, WashREIT.